oracle查询及删除重复记录的sql语句 1、查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(id)来判断 select * from 表 where i
select * from 表 where id in (select id from 表 group byid having count(id) > 1)
delete from 表 where (id) in ( select id from 表 group by id having count(id) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from 表 group by id having count(*) > 1);
select * from 表 a where (,a.seq) in(select id,seq from 表 group by id,seq having count(*) > 1)
delete from 表 a where (,a.seq) in (select id,seq from 表 group by id,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from 表 group by id,seq having count(*)>1)
select * from 表 a where (,a.seq) in (select id,seq from 表 group by id,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from 表 group by id,seq having count(*)>1)